Service Learning Project

Service learning project
Semester 2  2017-2018

The purpose of this project is to give you an opportunity to research, create, plan, engage, and reflect on a service learning project.  Groups should include 2- 5students. Final product may include raising awareness, raising money for or organizing service with an existing organization or directly to those in need, or other creative ideas designed to impact a specified need.

  1. In your groups talk about the following:
    1. What are the needs in our local community as you perceive them?
    2. What are the interests and strengths your group brings to this project?
  2. Assign different members of your group to do research on our local community (you may choose as narrow as our school campus or larger such as Loma Linda, or San Bernardino):
    1. Demographics of your chosen community
    2. General Social Needs in your chosen community
    3. Organizations at work in your chosen community
    4. Every member of your group should do one interview with someone who is involved with community service in our local community (i.e. employees/volunteers at social services or religious organizations doing service-not friends or family in this assignment).  May be a phone interview, must be different from the rest of the class, no duplicates.
  3. Choose a social need to address.
  4. Create a project to meet that social need.  Make your project manageable in scope. Think resources, time, outcome, relationships necessary to the project.
  5. Submit a proposal to the teacher that outlines your project, include a description of the community, the need, organizations already at work to meet that need, and your proposal.  Also include a timeline and tasks. Template included.
  6. Complete project
  7. Reflect on project, what went well, what could be done better, what did you learn about the need, the people involved, including yourself.  Submit a reflection.
  8. Present project to class using slides.
  9. Due on test week, final period.
